product category

耐高温植酸酶-thermostable phytase
· 提高磷的利用率,替代饲料中部分无机磷或其他磷源,减少饲料成本。
· 提高饲粮中淀粉、蛋白质、氨基酸、微量元素等营养物质的利用率。
· 有效减少畜禽磷及有其它的排放量,减少养殖环境中的不良气体含量,利于环境保护。
· 有效避免由于添加低质量无机磷饲料引起的氟中毒和重金属中毒,提高了饲喂的品质。
· 可减少饲料系酸力,有利于维持畜禽消化道较低的pH值环境,提高幼龄畜禽对饲料的消化率,减少腹泻的发生。
· 具有良好的耐高温性能,95℃处理5min,酶活仍保持较高水平,说明常规饲料制粒过程对酶活影响不大;
· pH适应范围广,相对活性大于50% 的pH范围在3.0-6.0之间;
· 适宜pH值4.5,更适应于在猪胃、禽胃和嗉囊中发挥作用。
Phytase is a kind of enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of phytic acid and its salts to inositol and phosphate (salt) . I. Product function: improve the utilization of phosphorus, replace some inorganic phosphorus or other phosphorus sources in feed, reduce feed costs. Increase the utilization of nutrients such as starch, protein, amino acids and micronutrient in the diet. : : effective reduction of phosphorus and other emissions from livestock and poultry, reduction of adverse gas content in the farming environment, conducive to environmental protection. Â $cents effectively avoid fluorosis and Heavy Metal Poisoning caused by the addition of low-quality inorganic phosphorus feeds, and improve the quality of feeding. It can reduce the acidity of feed system, help to maintain the lower pH environment of the digestive tract of livestock and poultry, improve the digestibility of feed of young livestock and poultry, and reduce the occurrence of diarrhea. II. Product characteristics · it has good heat resistance, 95 ° C treatment for 5 min, the enzyme activity still keeps a high level, indicating that the routine feed pelleting process has little effect on the enzyme activity; · pH has a wide range of adaptation, the pH range of relative activity is between 3.0 and 6.0 when the pH is more than 50% . The suitable pH is 4.5, which is more suitable for the function in pig stomach, poultry stomach and crop.

- 地址:上海市嘉定区南翔镇沪宜公路1101号1号楼
- 全国咨询热线:400 181 1260
- 快捷服务热线:13122394135